
Examining Changes in Students’ Skills and Confidence During a BME Modeling Course Containing Problem-Based Learning Modules

Thursday, March 27, 2025
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Location: BME 3.204

Speaker: Ann Saterbak, Ph.D.
Director, First-Year Design Program
Professor of the Practice in the Department of BME
Duke University


Learning opportunities for students that involve authentic and realistic challenges can be difficult to implement in the classroom; however, benefits to students can be substantial.  One teaching method is to structure a course around solving complex, open-ended problems. In this problem-based learning course, student teams create mathematical models that capture complex physiological systems to elucidate differences between healthy and diseased states.  In one study, assessment of technical and professional skills, as well as self-efficacy, demonstrate gains within the semester. In a second study, students created concept maps at multiple time points in the semester.  The analysis demonstrates significant increases in concept map complexity and quality between the beginning and end of the semester.  Successes and failures of teaching using authentic problems in undergraduate engineering courses will be discussed as well.