About the Academy
The Academy of Distinguished Biomedical Engineers, established in 2023, recognizes alumni, faculty and friends of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Cockrell School of Engineering. Considered the highest honor bestowed by the department, Academy honorees have provided leadership and contributions that continue to transform health care delivery, improve quality of life and reduce health care inequities across underserved populations. The Academy and its members also support the department in preparing and empowering the next generation of biomedical engineers to go out and change the world. Honorees are nominated and selected by a committee and are invited to attend a banquet and induction ceremony with returning Academy members.
Core Values
Leadership — Lead by example to uphold the highest professional standards and act as role models to provide sound advice and guidance to peers in the field and biomedical engineering students.
Impact —Evidence of scientific contribution in technical excellence based on number of journal publications, patents and clinical trials.
Discovery —Advocate for life-long learning and support the department and university in the endeavor to advance health care innovations through research, creative activity, scholarly inquiry and the development of new knowledge.
Service —To champion and advance the mission of The University of Texas at Austin to become one of the highest-impact racademic research institutions in the world; and to employ loyalty, time, and intellectual and financial resources to ensure the continued growth and success of the Department of Biomedical Engineering.