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Photo of Rylander III, H. Grady
Office Location: BME 1.108A

H. Grady Rylander III


Harry H. Power Professorship in Engineering

Department Research Area

Biosensors and Instrumentation
Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions

Research Focus

Vision research, biomedical sensors, laser applications, neuroprosthesis designResearch InterestsResearch interests are in developing objective tests for visual function and finding new applications for lasers in ophthalmology. Current projects include a VEP visual function based method for early diagnosis of glaucoma, a feedback control system for panretinal photocoagulation, an improved delivery system for cyclo-photocoagulation, and a holmium-YAG technique for drilling holes in the stapes bone. In the past, he has supervised research on RK surgery to correct myopia and thermokeratoplasty to correct hyperopia. A method for acquiring non-contact endothelial cell counts was developed that relied on computer assisted image analysis to determine cell boundaries. He has taught the neuroprosthesis course for the last six years and have supervised several rehabilitation engineering theses.