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Office Location: BME
Stephanie Seidlits
Associate Professor
Carl Ernest and Mattie Ann Muldrow Reistle, Jr. Centennial Fellowship in Engineering
Department Research Area
Cell and Tissue Engineering
Research Focus
Clinical therapies for central nervous system injury and disorder.
Research Interests
Stephanie Seidlits' research seeks to develop clinical therapies for central nervous system injury and disorder, including spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and glioma formation. Her approaches combine biomaterial microenvironments and advanced imaging tools to identify differences between the extracellular environment of diseased and healthy or developing and adult central nervous system tissues and exploit mechanistic discoveries to create novel therapies that target the local environment. Seidlits' long-term research goal is to translate biomaterial microenviroments to in vivo therapies using hydrogels, gene and protein delivery and cell replacement as building blocks.
Selected Publications